She was born in Rome and, once she completed his studies in classical ballet, dances for companies and opera houses: the Rome Opera House, Teatro Bellini in Catania, among others.
Teaches Classical and Contemporary Ballet, in Rome for several years.
She studied Tango with Susana Miller, Cacho Dante, Chico, Natalia Gomes, Gabriel Anjou, Ezequiel Farfaro and Milena Plebs, Marta Anton and Luis Grondona, Osvaldo Roldan, Valencia, Batiuk, Osvaldo Zotto and Lorena Ermocida, Esteban Moreno and Claudia Codega, Federico and Cathrine, Gustavo Naveira and Giselle Anne, Alejandra Mantinan, Omar Vega, Carlos Gavito and Marcela Duran, Roberto Herrera.
Teaches Argentine Tango in Rome for several years. Helds Workshops in Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland, Sweden, United States.
Dancer for some television programs, for concerts Hugo Aisember, the Four For Tango.
She has performed with the Quejas de Bandoneon, and the Rome II Tango Festival with the orchestra of historic Jorge Arduh.
She maked a show at the Berlin Philarmonic with the Quintet Arrabal. Entertainment, Tango of Life, directed by Patrick Rossi Gastaldi. Tour in Malaysia.
From 2007 she worked steadily in tandem with Osvaldo Roldan, working in Italy and abroad, engaged with shows, classes and workshops and seminars, Events and Festival of Tango.
2009. Dancing in the show "Tango Negro Trio y Nuevo Encuentro" with Osvaldo Roldan, Auditorium Paganini in Parma Teatro Regio Foundation, prod. Mas Que Tango, join organization with the City of Parma.
Dancing in the show "Buenos Aires Hoy!" With Osvaldo Roldan, at the Auditorium of the Foundation of Piacenza and Vigevano.
Joins "Mi Buenos Aires Querido" by Luis Bacalov, with Osvaldo Roldan, directed by Carlos Branca, choreography by Anna Paola Bacalov, Teatro Ambra Jovinelli, Rome.
2010. Dances with Osvaldo Roldan in "Mi Buenos Aires Querido" by Luis Bacalov, directed by Carlos Branca, choreography by Osvaldo Roldan, in May 2010 at the Teatro Regio di Parma.
Dances with Osvaldo Roldan in the show "No, Word and Music in Tango" by Carlos Branca, directed by Carlos Branca, the Teatro G. Gavazzeni of Bergamo and the Teatro Asioli of Correggio.
At Castello Sforzesco in Vigevano, she performs with Osvaldo Roldan in "Duende y Misterio"- di O.Roldan - one of the events of "The Soul of the Tango" project pictorial-multimedial Carina April, on the occasion of the Bicentennial of Argentina.
In November 2010, in Stresa, participates in the "Tango y Milonga Art Fest" dancing with Osvaldo Roldan during the concert "Juan Carlos Caceres Tango Negro Trio y" and holds classes Tango and Milonga.
2011. Dances in "Alfonsina Storni: la mia casa è il mare” written and directed Marica Roberto, musical director Paolo Petrilli; Marica Roberto, voice and singing; Paolo Petrilli, accordion; Miguel Fernadez, guitar; Simon Talone, percussion; Anna Maria Ferrara, dance; Serena Marsala, painting, Room Laudamo (Teatro Vittorio Emanuele) Messina, prod. Teatro Vittorio Emanuele Messina.
2012. The replicas of "Mi Buenos Aires Querido" by Luis Bacalov go on at the Gabriele D'Annunzio Theater in Latina and at the Auditorium Manzoni Theater in Bologna.
In 2014 and 2015 she collaborates with Enza Stagnini and Osvaldo Roldàn like artistic manager of ‘Tango, mi Amor!’, Fortezza Viscontea, Cassano d’Adda (Milano).
2015. Dances with Osvaldo Roldan in La Juan D’Arienzo Orquesta Show, WoPa Temporary, Parma.
Her didactic activity goes on, in Rome, in Italy and abroad, guest in work-shop, Tango Holidays, and different Events.