Elisabetta Muraca

Psychologist and psychotherapist of Gestalt.
She is president of “Grupo Gestáltico Internacional. Enfoque Holístico de la Salud y de la Enfermedad” composed of 5 Countries (4 Spanish-speaking, plus Italy).
Even if she grew up in Argentina, she developed her interest in tango as a cultural phenomenon and dance only in Italy and for almost eighteen years. She has written the pocket book Il tango. Sentimento e filosofia di vita [Tango. Feeling and philosophy of life] , Xenia Editori, Milano 2000 and Nell’abbraccio del Tango. Il Mondo delle Milongas di Buenos Aires [In the Tango hug. The world of Milongas of Buenos Aires] , Xenia Editori, Milano 2008.
She has worked as a feature writer in the web page www.tango.it.
She alternates her clinical job with frequent travels to Buenos Aires where she is considered integral part of the autochthon milonguera community.
Her interest in tango, as a cultural and human phenomenon, has far and personal roots intersecting with others linked to her profession: the relationship body/mind and the couple communication.